Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving!!

My little princess and I made four pumpkin pies tonight. They will be our contribution to Thanksgiving Dinner. I cooked down the pumpkins yesterday which saved a lot of time today. J. got a little creative making the edges of the crust. We bought some new cookie cutters, and she cut out the leftover dough with flowers and leaves, then set them on the edges. I must say, they look beautiful. Hopefully they will be there in the morning, and won't be devoured by the middle of the night snackers!
Don't forget to count all of your blessings. I bet there are more than you realize. Have a wonderful day!!

Sunday, November 22, 2009

a few things I've been working on

Kathy's maple leaves.....

Judy's rail fence....... Cheryl and her students.....

Sharon's Christmas Lights........

Lori's Christmas Critters, with a little gingerbread added...........

Emily's camo baby quilt..............

Kathyrn's Tree of Life.............

Another installment of the round robin....

My addition............

.....and there are some I haven't taken pictures of yet!! Now to get those Christmas lights untangled and up!!!

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Victoria's Black & White

This quilt belongs to Victoria. She comes up with some amazing ideas. This one is one of my favorites.